A minimum of 2 nights is required when you are making a booking.
A multiple rooms booking or rental of the full property?
Please drop us an email at hello@jkmoulinparadou.com. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Alternatively, you can call us via whatsapp (+32 space 475 space 84 space 63 space 91).
How to book?
- Complete the booking form below:
Check your preferred dates on the calendar below to see which rooms are available for your dates. If you want to make a booking, click on the button “book now”. A form will open – please fill out all the required information. You can either pay the down payment (50%) immediately to secure your booking via online payment, or pay by bank transfer. - Read carefully:
You can ONLY book 1 room or the full house (12p) via the online booking tool below. If you want to book more more than 1 room (for a group from 5 tot 10 people), you will have to make a booking (and payment) for each room. The easiest way is to contact us via email, we will take care of everything. - Wait for our email:
We will send you a confirmation email with the deposit confirmation (50% of the total amount) in case you opted for manual payment. If you pay via STRIPE (quicker!), your booking is automatically confirmed once the pre-payment has been registered.
A second payment amounting to 50% of your booking will be sent 30 days prior to your arrival, leaving you just to settle the incidental extra’s and tourist tax upon checkout.
Pre-book your dates & fill out the form
Tip for those who need more than 1 room:
- If you want to make an “online” immediate booking for 5 people or other odd numbers (all our rooms are for 2 people except for the “conciergerie” that can take 4 people), you will need to book each room individually.
- If you want to see if we have rooms for 5 people available, just do a search for 2 people, it will list all the available rooms in our property. If you’re in hurry and want to secure your rooms immediately, you can book online and pay for the 3 rooms separately – just repeat the process of booking 1 room.
- We recommend to contact us so we can arrange this group booking for you – we will issue a down payment invoice for the 3 rooms (50%). Once the payment has been received, your booking is secured and confirmed.